Parent and Student Resources

Special Education Process and Procedures


What are my rights?


When your child becomes a “focus of concern", he/she may be referred for evaluation.  You will receive a request for your permission to conduct the evaluation.  Without your permission, the process will end.  A copy of Procedural Safeguards: Due Process for Parents and Children will be provided.  You are encouraged to read this document, which explains the rights you and your child are guaranteed through the evaluation and IEP process.  See the attached documents below for more info.  



Focus of Concern


A focus of concern may start with the school staff, parents, medical personnel, community agencies, or any concerned person.  Once a student becomes a focus of concern, notification is made to the building team.  Following a team meeting, if there is a need, a special education referral will be made and an evaluation plan is developed. 


A team of individuals is determined by the needs of your child.  The team may include:

  • Parents
  • Student (when appropriate)
  • General Education Teacher(s)
  • Special Education Teacher(s)
  • Support Personnel:
    • Nurse
    • Speech/Language Pathologist
    • Other Therapists
  • School Psychologist
  • Educational Specialist
  • Counselor
  • Principal



Evaluation / Eligibility Determination


You will be asked to give permission for the evaluation.  With permission, the building team will gather educationally relevant information about the student.  Information gathered includes observation, testing, review of records, interviews, and conferences.  Following the evaluation, recommendations are made regarding eligibility.  If the student evaluated is determined eligible for special education services, an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) meeting is scheduled.  Evaluation does not necessarily mean your child will be found eligible for or placed in special education services.  



Individualized Education Plan (IEP)


Once the need for special education has been determined, an IEP will be written for your child.  Development of the IEP is an important step in the process.  This written plan outlines services to be provided for your child. 

The IEP is:

  • Written for every child who receives special education services.
  • Developed at a meeting with the parent(s). This meeting may also include the general education teacher, special education teacher, service providers, the principal or designee, and your child (if appropriate). 
  • Reviewed annually to note your child’s progress in each goal area. Modifications to the IEP are made at this time or as needed. 


The IEP is developed with parent(s) in cooperation with the school staff.  The IEP team determines the program and services that best meet the student’s needs.  The IEP process includes discussions of:

  • A student’s present level of performance – describes your child’s performance in areas of suspected disability; for example reading, math, speech and language, motor skill development.
  • Goals - designating which areas your child is in need of specially designed instruction.
  • Objectives – which describe and measure your child's need of specially designed instruction.
  • Placement options
  • Necessary staff to assist your child with achieving his/her goals.


The IEP is a critical tool in your child’s education.  It aids in directing and measuring a student’s progress. 


The IEP directs:

  • How student progress will be measured
  • The criteria for evaluation
  • The specially designed instruction
  • The review of student progress
Please see our links page for additional resources as well as the documents listed below. Please contact us if you have any questions.